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    2023年08月29日 08:23


邮箱:xiao.huang@hainanu.edu.cn; damon19910125@gmail.com;









  2009 - 2013:武汉大学水利水电学院,水文与水资源工程,学士;

  2013 - 2018:清华大学地球系统科学系,生态学,博士;

  2017 - 2018:牛津大学环境变化研究所(ECI, University of Oxford),访问学生。



  2018 -2021:挪威生物经济研究所(Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO),博士后;

  2021 -2023:河海大学环境学院, 讲师;




  2020-2021,武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,Assessing the Potential Productivity of Soybean Cultivation Expansion and its Environmental Benefits for Water Quality8万元,主持。

  2020-2021,挪威科学研究委员会,Plogen Program: Using Satellite Products to Improve the Accuracy of Grass Growth Prediction in Norway by Data Assimilation5万挪威克朗,主持。

  2018-2021,挪威科学研究委员会,MYR projectClimate Smart Management Practices on Norwegian Organic Soils1200万挪威克朗,主要参与人。

  2020-2021,国家发改委,国家十二五重大科技基础设施建设项目地球系统数值模拟装置”- 中国和全球主要农产区粮食作物旱灾模拟分系统,800万元,主要参与人。




  Huang X, Zhao G, Tao F, et al. 2021. Grass modelling in data-limited areas by incorporating MODIS data product. Field Crops Research. 271, 108250.

  Huang X, Silvennoinen, H., Kløve, B., et al. 2021. Modelling CO2 and CH4 emissions from drained peatlands with grass cultivation by the BASGRA-BGC model. Science of The Total Environment, 144385.

  Huang X, Ni S, Wu C, et al. 2020. GDNDC: An integrated system to model water-nitrogen-crop processes for agricultural management at regional scales. Environmental Modelling & Software.

  Ni S, Huang X, Gan W, et al. 2020. Coupled modelling and sampling approaches to assess the impacts of human water management on land-sea carbon transfer. Science of The Total Environment, 701: 134735.

  Yu C, Huang X, Chen H, et al. 2019. Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China. Nature, 567: 516–520.

  Huang X, Ni S, Yu C, et al. 2018. Identifying precipitation uncertainty in crop modelling using Bayesian total error analysis. European Journal of Agronomy, 101: 248-258.

  Huang X, Yu C, Fang J, et al. 2018. A dynamic agricultural prediction system for large-scale drought assessment on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 154: 400-410.

  Yu C, Huang X, Chen H, et al. 2018. Assessing the impacts of extreme agricultural droughts in China under climate and socioeconomic changes. Earth's Future, 6(5): 689-703.

  Huang X, Huang G, Yu C, et al. 2017. A multiple crop model ensemble for improving broad-scale yield prediction using Bayesian model averaging. Field Crops Research, 211: 114-124.




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  • 生态与环境青年